February 01, 2009

Peaceful Interlude

Precedent: Be Careful What You Search For

Valerie and Morgan glided across the empty room together, dancing a waltz to the music in Morgan's portable CD player. The calm, graceful steps were a welcome relief from his usual life and a welcome distraction from her ennui. The universe melted away and the steps became the focal point of their minds. A few drams of liquor let Morgan's mind be free of any insistent voices or eavesdropping. The conversation between them was the tacit language of the body and tempo. A calm expression graced his visage. He could sense Valerie's smile.

As the music faded, their bodies relaxed away, then stepped closer for a tango. Both had grown isolated in their current political states. Valerie had been practically locked away in an ivory tower because and despite her immense power. Morgan, well, he was who he was and, outside of his brother, he was usually alone, aloof, and badly misunderstood when not straitjacketed and drugged into sopor. The graceful airs were atypical of both, though one might guess otherwise at first glance.

When the set of dances was over, he sat on a bench with her leaning on him, holding his hand. He pulled out a flask and sipped from it to ensure the relative quiet continued. They withdrew to her tea room. She talked with her usual exuberance and he told her as much as he could about what was going on back home. As she drew closer, he felt a twinge in his mind. At first, it was merely an annoyance, but as he lifted his flask to his lips, he recognized the sender.

“I'm apologize, Val, but my brother needs me.”

He quickly stood and shrugged his cloak about him. His re-emergence was right behind his brother as a large, roc-sized creature was diving at him. Michael's back slammed into Morgan's front. Morgan reflexively put up a wall about them and collected his brother into his arms. A resounding slam came from the edge of the manifested wall. Michael turned and pressed himself full against Morgan's body. A cold thrill went through him and he was suddenly aware of tile beneath his feet.

Michael proceeded to slide down Morgan's body until he was sitting on the floor. Morgan knelt down beside him. “Are you injured?”

“No,” Michael answered, shaking mildly from the encounter. “Sorry to have disrupted your sleep.”

“You have nothing for which to apologize on that account. I was not asleep.”

“You were very serene?”

“Yes,” Morgan said, smiling. “I was.” He walked away without further explanation.

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